
Law Enforcement

The Police Department performs all law enforcement functions, focusing primarily on traffic violations such as speeding, drunk driving, vehicle violations and drug interdiction. The Department also participates in the Safe and Sober campaign and is equipped with the most modern equipment such as radios, radar and in car computer. 

To report an emergency, please dial 911 immediately. For non-emergencies, contact the Cuyuna Police Department at 218-546-2692. If nobody answers please leave a message. If you need to speak to an officer immediately and it's a non emergency please dial 218-829-4749 and speak to a Crow Wing County Sheriff's Department Dispatcher. 

Cuyuna Police at the 2022 Woodtick Races

Themed Patch Fundraisers

September 2022 Fundraiser with Cuyuna Fire Department

Crosby-Ironton Rangers themed patches are being sold for $11.00 per patch. They can be purchased by emailing cuyunapolice@cuyunapd.org All proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to the Crosby-Ironton High School to help support the C-I Rangers sports program youth sports. Go C-I Go!


October 2022 Fundraiser with Cuyuna Fire Department

Breast cancer awareness themed patches are being sold for $11.00 per patch. They can be purchased by emailing cuyunapolice@cuyunapd.org All proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center’s Courage Cabinet.

The CRMC Courage Cabinet, Where local people and families can get the help they need while fighting cancer means lot to us.

Cuyuna Police Department is apart of the “Pink Patch Project” in Minnesota. https://pinkpatchproject.com/agency/cuyuna-police-department/

August 2022 Fundraiser with Cuyuna Fire Department 

Animal themed patches are being sold for $11.00 per patch. They can be purchased by emailing cuyunapolice@cuyunapd.org. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to the Wild and Free program out of Garrison, Minnesota.

Wild and Free is a 501(C)(3) non-profit wildlife program involved in rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing orphaned and injured wildlife. Wild and Free receives no federal or state funding. We function completely on charitable donations, fundraising, and the generosity of our members. If you are interested in volunteering, membership, or just more information about our program please check out our website www.wildandfree.org or visit us on Facebook.

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.


July 2022 Fundraiser with Cuyuna Fire Department 

4th of July themed patches (the fireworks on the patch glow in the dark!!) are being sold for $11 a piece, plus shipping & handling or $20 bundle for one fire & police patch. They can be purchased online at https://ghostpatch.com/collections

All proceeds will be donated to the Homeless & Wounded Warriors Organization based out of Emily, Minnesota that supports past & present members of our military as well as their families. They help with not only military related issues but also with everyday life problems that effect military members and their families.

June 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department 

Mental Health Awareness themed patches are being sold for $11 a piece, plus shipping & handling or $20 bundle for one fire & police patch. They can be purchased online at https://ghostpatch.com/collections

All proceeds will be donated to the Heroes Program. They are a non profit organization that assists with local police, fire & ems mental health. Cuyuna PD is proud to display the Heroes logo on our patch this month for the fundraiser.


May 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department 

Fallen police officers & fallen firefighters themed patches are being sold for $11 a piece, plus shipping & handling or $20 bundle for one fire & police patch. They can be purchased online at https://ghostpatch.com/collections

All proceeds will be donated to the fallen officer family of Deerwood Police Officer & former Cuyuna Police Officer Charlie “Joe” Bank’s family to fly out to Washington DC to have Officer Bank’s name placed on the police officer’s memorial wall.

April 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department
Autism Awareness themed police and fire patches are being sold for $10 a piece to support Special Education locally at Cuyuna Range Elementary School (CRES) and all proceeds will be donated to the “CRES Special ED” that teacher Brittany Barutt is ahead of at the CRES School.

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.


February 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department
Heart themed police and fire patches with a slight touch of valentines are being sold for $10 a piece to support heart health and all proceeds will be donated to the “Ross Lake 1st Responders Organization” for the purchase of a new (AED) Automated External Defibrillator.

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.

March 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department
Down Syndrome Awareness themed police and fire patches are being sold for $10 a piece to support Special Olympics locally and all proceeds will be donated to the “Special Olympics” that Mr. Bryan Syrstad is ahead of at the Crosby-Ironton High School.

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.


January 2022 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department
New Years themed police and fire patches are being sold for $10 a piece and all proceeds will be donated to "Cuyuna Range Food Shelf".

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.

December 2021 Fundraiser with the Cuyuna Fire Department
Christmas themed police and fire patches were sold $10 a piece and all proceeds were donated to "Toys For Kids"

Thank you to the Cuyuna Fire Department Relief Association for sponsoring this fundraiser.


2021 Outstanding Community Service Award from the Toys For Kids “Christmas Themed” patch fundraiser.




New Radar & Radio Technology

Our Officers


The Cuyuna Police Department was established on January 1, 2000, and is located in the old fire hall building west of City Hall on Foley Street.

The Police Department performs all law enforcement functions, focusing primarily on traffic violations such as speeding, drunk driving, vehicle violations, and drug interdiction. The Department also participates in the Toward Zero Death campaign and is equipped with the most modern equipment such as radios, radar, and in-car squad computer. 

Cuyuna Police Department consists of a Chief of Police, one Deputy Chief of Police, one Sergeant and six part-time police officers and one professional police clerk.

From its inception in January of 2000, Former Chief Timothy Leonard had been instrumental in organizing the Department. Chief Leonard was a 29 year Law Enforcement veteran having served 11 years with the Crosby Police Department and most recently retiring from the Crow Wing County Sheriff’s Department as Sergeant with 18 years of service. Chief Leonard retired in 2014 with 14 years of service as Chief of Police for the Cuyuna Police Department.

Chief Smith at Desk.jpg

Cuyuna Chief of Police
Jesse Smith

Phone:  218-546-2692
Fax: 218-546-5400
E-Mail: cuyunapolice@cuyunapd.org

Crow Wing County Sheriff

Additional Officers:
Officer Years of Service with Cuyuna Police Department:

  1. Chief of Police Jesse Smith (Hired January 2000)

  2. Officer Steven Kovacic (Hired December 2012)

  3. Officer Peter Kvale (Hired May 2019)

  4. Deputy Chief Josef Garcia (Hired March 2020)

  5. Officer Rodney Coons (Hired November 2023)

  6. Officer Hunter Henkels (Hired November 2022)

  7. Officer Brandon Anderson (Hired November 2023)

  8. Officer Matt Huesmann (Hired November 2022)

  9. Officer Austin Hieronymi (Hired April 2024)